Wave Gotik Treffen Festival

NEW! One of my local newspapers did an article about our story to get Jennifer to WGT! Read it HERE!

June 4, 2022 – It is the Wave Gotik Treffen Festival weekend! I will be uploading photos from those wonderful people who are taking Jennifer to the festival. See them below!

Maureen’s Photos

These ones are from Maureen Plattner, who kindly offered to take Jennifer to WGT back in March. These were sent on June 3rd.

Here are the photos as a slideshow. They are also in a gallery below.

Maureen’s photos as a gallery. Click any photo to see full size instead of cropped thumbnail.

More photos to come! When they are all in, I will use them to create a video to post here.

Helmut’s Photos

Many people have offered to take pictures of Jennifer to the Wave Gotik Treffen music festival in Germany, which is absolutely amazing! However, one individual by the name of Helmut, is traveling all spring and summer to many of the music festivals in Europe, and has agreed to ‘take’ Jennifer with him to all of them! He has sent the following pictures from several events ahead of Wave Gotik Treffen. I hope Jennifer is enjoying them from the afterlife!

Click on any image to see full size image.


Peggy Schnitti Römer was another kind soul who asked for Jennifer’s pictures to take them to Wave Gotik Treffen. Here are the ones she sent me during the festival. They are all in the slideshow, with a gallery of them below. In the gallery, you can click on any image to see full size.

3 thoughts on “Wave Gotik Treffen Festival

  1. To all of those making my friends dream come true …. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It is extremely touching to see this.

  2. This is so incredibly f’ing awesome! The acts of kindness by the many but specifically the one’s who took time from their lives to accomplish this selfless deed! When done……all of you…….the Human Spirit is alive and well!!

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