Comments on: A Tribute to Our Turtle Lady Thu, 18 Nov 2021 03:39:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chris Bryant Thu, 18 Nov 2021 03:39:31 +0000 Over the past many months I read the messages that Jennifer posted documenting her struggle with this disease. I often approached them with dread and trepidation but ultimately found that Jennifer’s candour and frank dialogue took the edge off of the difficulties that she was sharing.
Two weeks ago I asked Jennifer whether she would like to listen to a poem that I wrote while thinking about her circumstances. I also gave her the option to tell me to go blow smoke in the event that I was being presumptuous. She listened to it, thanked me for thinking of her at this time and was kind enough to say that she liked it. The text is below.


there are waterfalls

if autumn is our genesis
we are leaves upon the breeze
some alighting on the water
some carried to the sea

though tarrying in lazy eddies
strained through a fallen tree
whether plunged down tortured, bursting channels
though drifting on the lee

there are waterfalls in many courses
something greater wills this to be
when the passage asks too great a burden
we can sometimes choose to be free

does nature ask then nothing of us
we may thrive or simply be
the route is ours to be determined
er zijn veel paden naar de zee

By: Lori Cassidy (Deschenes) Sat, 13 Nov 2021 05:47:39 +0000 I know you’re at peace, rest easy. ❤❤❤]]> In reply to Jennifer Ellis.


I am not good with words whatsoever. It has been many many years. Like others have said, your work ethic was one to remember all these years later. I always knew coming in on day shift that I wouldn’t have to worry about walking into a gong show and was always a pleasure when working afternoons, you coming in with your coffees. When looking at my godawful tattoo, I will always think of you. Hopefully your turtle tattoo looks better than mine all these years later 😂 I know you’re at peace, rest easy. ❤️❤️❤️

By: Kimberley Alice Sat, 13 Nov 2021 05:14:31 +0000 This is hard. I have so much love for you my dear friend. You are such an amazing human being. I remember the first time I saw you. At the dance on Seminole, I was so intimidated by your awesomeness. You were definitely the coolest person I had ever met. I can’t remember how I ended up at your apartment one day but I got to know you little by little and then all of a sudden we are making candles in my store and you are there supporting me during a challenging time in my life. I still have one of those candles and I will light it for you, in honour of you. I am forever grateful our paths crossed and you were a part of my journey.

By: Christine Dent Sat, 13 Nov 2021 03:48:25 +0000 🍀🙏]]> Dear Jen
Sending you all of my Love and strength as you move to the other side.
You have fought the good fight for the last 2 years and still managed to smile ,keep in touch with friends and go back to work.
I admire your strength you are one of a kind.
I remember our childhood years well and I smile when I think of our bike rides ,ice skating.and the fireworks at the park.
I love you and I pray for your peace and comfort
Goodbye for now not forever
Say hello to my parents and your grandparents for me

By: Stephanie Sat, 13 Nov 2021 01:00:40 +0000 ❤❤]]> I’m late as always. … I so admire your courage, your honesty, and your strength in realizing you need to do what’s best for you…. I will be lighting a candle for you and positive light your way .. I have no other words… may the gods light your path … ❤❤❤

By: Penny Charette Fri, 12 Nov 2021 21:49:45 +0000 Penny]]> Hey Turtle Lady-It’s said that turtles are a symbol of life and support the world. I know that turtles will always make me think of you. Not just for your love of them but your life and support of others. How you help family and friends, your unfailing work ethic and lovely sarcastic sense of humor. I wish I had the power to take away your pain, hell, take away your cancer, to give you more time. I’m glad that at least we had some time together in this life and maybe more in the next life. I don’t want to say good bye because that seems so final and I’m sure we’ll meet again. I’ll bring coffee. Instead I’ll say what I always said to you every morning when you left work, good night Jen!

By: David Meredith Fri, 12 Nov 2021 21:44:24 +0000 Dear Jennifer,

It has been so long since we have spoken and I am at a loss for words. I’d like you to know that I have been thinking about you and I am in awe of your courage and bravery. I hope for peace and tranquility for you and whatever adventures you may seek in the great beyond. I am saving the last dance for you. You know the song. Safe travels.

David Meredith

By: Kim Lepore Fri, 12 Nov 2021 01:43:41 +0000 Hi Jenn.
I’ve been on your website about 15 times trying to come up with something appropriate to write, trying to figure out what I want you to know, and how to say good bye. Like everyone else, I wish that this had never happened to you. The 7 year old in me wants to stomp my feet and rant about how unfair this is but the adult in me realizes that life is often not fair.

Your courage astounds me. I read somewhere, sometime, that you should try to be the traits that you admire most when you lose someone so I’m going to try to be a braver person to honour you.

I wish I’d had the opportunity to know you better. Your work ethic was inspiring and your dedication to our team and your role was admirable.

I’m truly thankful that you have been given some control back at the end of your journey. I wish you peace and a gentle end to your suffering…although it’s incredibly difficult to say good bye. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

By: Jennifer Ellis Thu, 11 Nov 2021 22:25:32 +0000 Thank you everyone for your kind words. I love you all and will miss you dearly. I have no regrets of the life I’ve lived and am anxiously awaiting the start of whatever it is that comes next, I am ready for peace.

By: Brianna Stilwell Thu, 11 Nov 2021 02:01:23 +0000 Hi Jennifer,

I know we’ve only met a handful of times, but I’ve always really liked you.

When my dad first became involved with and subsequently married Dawn, I had a lot of negative feelings and emotions about the entire situation. I was an angry teenager and I wasn’t as good to Dawn as I should have been. For a while, I think that I liked Dawn’s sisters more than I liked her – you were always good to me. You didn’t have to be. You could have just written me off as Paul’s daughter and decided I wasn’t really a part of the family, but you didn’t.

I remember the year I came to visit for Thanksgiving and one of the desserts was chocolate cake, because someone remembered I didn’t like pie. I don’t remember for sure if it was you, because it was a while ago and I didn’t know you well, but when I asked my dad he said it probably was as you were always in charge of desserts, so I have to assume you had some part in what is one of my most treasured Thanksgiving memories. I know it probably sounds like such a minor thing – just bringing an alternative dessert for a picky kid, why would that be a treasured memory? – but it had such a big impact on me, the fact that someone who barely knew me remembered something like that and cared enough to take that into account the next Thanksgiving.

It’s been heartbreaking to read your updates on Facebook regularly about everything that’s been going on. I have a lot of respect for the way you write about it, between the matter-of-fact and clinical way you discuss what’s going on without fluffing and sugarcoating it, and the fact that you’re strong enough to talk about what’s going on in the first place. I don’t know if that’s something I’d be able to do in your shoes, giving your friends a detailed look inside your life while you’re going through something so difficult. You’re too young to be leaving the world so soon, or in such an awful way. It’s really not fair.

Between these comments I’m seeing up above and my own memories of you, it seems like you’ve touched a lot of lives in a really lovely way, even for those who didn’t know you well. You’re a great person who is going to be deeply missed by a lot of loved ones who love you dearly. I wish you nothing but the best, and I hope that you rest peacefully.
